Get To Know A Few Agencies

01. National Government Service Center

Statens Servicecenter (SSC), is a Swedish government agency, collaborates with other government entities to streamline services for both citizens and newcomers to Sweden. Its primary aim is to simplify interactions with multiple agencies. SSC offers comprehensive guidance and support to individuals and businesses seeking services from various government bodies, including the Public Employment Service, the Social Insurance Agency, the Migration Agency, the Pensions Agency, and the Tax Agency.

As the initial point of contact, SSC is where individuals should begin their journey for essential tasks such as applying for a social security number, coordination number, or ID-card. For inquiries or assistance related to the tax agency, social insurance agency, public employment service, pensions agency, and in select offices, the Migration Agency (please consult the SSC website for specific office capabilities regarding the Migration Agency), individuals are encouraged to visit an SSC office. Please note that these agencies (NOT SSC) do not accommodate walk-in appointments unless scheduled via phone or email.

02. Tax Agency

Skatteverket, in Swedish, is Sweden’s tax agency, responsible for tax collection, enforcement, and taxpayer services. It ensures compliance with tax laws and regulations, facilitating fair and effective taxation for individuals and businesses. Here can you apply for a social security number (Personnummer) and a temporary social security number (Coordination number) The Tax Agency also helps with errands regarding the population such as changing your home address or anything related to that. If you are interested in creating a company, the Tax Agency can help you with this too or visit

To get in contact with a tax agency official, you need to call or email them or visit a SSC office. The government officials working at SSC are NOT tax agency officers.

03. Social Insurance Agency

Försäkringskassan, in Swedish, administers social insurance programs in Sweden, including sickness benefits, parental benefits, and disability benefits. Its mission is to provide financial security and support to individuals during various life circumstances.

To get in contact with a Social Insurance Agency official, you need to call or email them or visit a SSC office.. The government officials working at SSC are NOT Social Insurance Agency officers.

04. Public Employment Service

Arbetsförmedlingen is the Swedish Public Employment Service, dedicated to helping job seekers find employment and assisting employers in recruitment. It offers job matching services, career counseling, and vocational training programs. Please note that Arbetsförmedlingen WILL NOT FIND a job for you.

To get in contact with a Public Employment Service official, you need to call or email them or visit a SSC office. The government officials working at SSC are NOT Public Employment Service officers.

05. Pension Agency

Pensionsmyndigheten, in Swedish, manages Sweden’s national pension system, providing information, administration, and payment services related to pensions. It ensures that citizens receive their entitled pension benefits upon retirement.

To get in contact with a pensions Agency official, you need to call or email them, or visit a SSC office. The government officials working at SSC are NOT pensions Agency officers.

06. Migration Agency

Migrationsverket, in Swedish, is Sweden’s migration agency, responsible for processing visa applications, asylum requests, and residence permits. It also handles refugee resettlement and integration programs.

To get in contact with a Migration Agency official, you need to call or email them or go directly to one of their offices. The government officials working at SSC are NOT Migration officers.

07. Police Authority

Polisen is the Swedish police authority, tasked with maintaining public order, preventing crime, and investigating criminal activities. It ensures the safety and security of citizens through law enforcement and community policing efforts.

08. Customs Agency

Tullverket, or the Swedish Customs Agency, regulates international trade and enforces customs laws at Sweden’s borders. It facilitates legitimate trade while combatting smuggling, illegal immigration with help from the border police (gränspolisen), and other cross-border crimes.

09. Prison and Probation Service

Kriminalvården, in Swedish, is Sweden’s correctional service, responsible for managing prisons and probation services. It focuses on rehabilitation and reintegration of offenders into society, aiming to reduce recidivism and promote public safety.

10. Prosecution Agency

Åklagarmyndigheten is the Swedish Prosecution Authority, responsible for prosecuting criminal cases in court. It represents the state in criminal proceedings, ensuring that justice is served and perpetrators are held accountable for their actions.

11. Swedish Council for Higher Education

The Swedish Council for Higher Education, known in Swedish as Universitets- och högskolerådet (UHR), is a government agency responsible for coordinating and supporting higher education in Sweden. Its primary mission is to promote access to higher education, facilitate international cooperation and exchange, and enhance the quality and efficiency of Swedish higher education institutions. If you have earned your degree abroad and need to validate it, contact UHR for more information.

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